29 April 2020

Image of Class 2- Home Learning- 06.05

Wednesday 06.04 and Thursday 07.04

Your activities for the next two days are:




Year 3-Summer Term- Week 2- Lesson 3- problem solving

Year 3-Summer Term- Week 2- Lesson 4- problem solving


Watch the video then complete the worksheet.

The answers are available so make sure you get a family member to check your answers.

Year 4- Summer Term-Week 2-Lesson 3 – Pounds and pence

Year 4- Summer Term-Week 2-Lesson 4 – Ordering money


Watch the video then complete the worksheet.

The answers are available so make sure you get a family member to check your answers.

Year 3: Task 1: Identifying adverbs


Year 3: Task 2: The Truth about Trolls booklet 

P10-11 Add on Adverbs Game

P12 Engaging adverbs game


Year 4: Task 1:Past tense verbs and verb families


Year 4 Task 2: The King of the Fishes

P10 Read and understand

P11 Spellings

P12 Substitution Game

Science- Electricity 

Continue to work through Education City- work.

Choose and complete one activity from the Science Home Learning TASKS-Electricity.

Post your completed task on Google Classroom.


Geography-Introduction to Maps


This lesson includes:

two videos demonstrating how maps can be used

two activities to build map skills

Further work- (if required)

Use the BBC Home learning link and select your child’s Year group. There are daily English, Maths and Topic lessons which children can work through on their own.

Here’s the link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons



Alongside these activities you could also complete the following:


All of these documents are on Google Classroom- so feel to complete them there and hand them in.


Handwriting Booklets


DON'T FORGET to keep in touch via Google Classroom and we we have a Google Meet every Wednesday at 1pm. Code available at the top of Google Class page.

Looking after our mental health during these uncertain times:

Support activities for children:

Create a diary throughout your time at home. Make a note of what you’ve been up to, how you’re feeling, any questions going around in your head.

Write a letter to a friend or relative that you can’t see at the minute.

Support for parents






Category: Class 2 School Closure

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