We take the protection of data very seriously at The Staffordshire Schools Multi Academy Trust.  Our Data Protection Policy can be found on our Policies page.

Privacy Notices

Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) is:

Mrs Jacqui Bowman


01543 472 245

Subject Access Requests (SAR)

Individuals have a right to make a ‘subject access request’ to gain access to personal information that the Trust holds about them. This includes:

  • Confirmation that their personal data is being processed
  • Access to a copy of the data
  • The purposes of the data processing
  • The categories of personal data concerned
  • Who the data has been, or will be, shared with
  • How long the data will be stored for, or if this isn’t possible, the criteria used to determine this period
  • The source of the data, if not the individual
  • Whether any automated decision-making is being applied to their data, and what the significance and consequences of this might be for the individual

Subject access requests must be submitted in writing, either by letter or email to the DPO. They should include:

  • Name of individual making the request
  • Correspondence address
  • Contact number and email address
  • Details of the information requested

Subject Access Request Form

When responding to requests, we:

  • May ask the individual to provide 2 forms of identification
  • May contact the individual via phone to confirm the request was made
  • Will respond without delay and within the legal timelimit
  • Will provide the information free of charge where possible
  • May tell the individual we will comply within 3 months of receipt of the request, where a request is complex or numerous. We will inform the individual of this within 1 month, and explain why the extension is necessary

We will not disclose information if it:

  • Might cause serious harm to the physical or mental health of the pupil or another individual
  • Would reveal that the child is at risk of abuse, where the disclosure of that information would not be in the child’s best interests
  • Is contained in adoption or parental order records
  • Is given to a court in proceedings concerning the child

If the request is unfounded or excessive, we may refuse to act on it, or charge a reasonable fee which takes into account administrative costs.

A request will be deemed to be unfounded or excessive if it is repetitive, or asks for further copies of the same information.

A request may also be deemed to be excessive if it is likely to take more than a day of a staff member’s time to collate all of the data.  In this case, we may charge an hourly rate for the staff member’s time for anything over a day's work, up to a maximum of one week’s work.

When we refuse a request, we will tell the individual why, and tell them they have the right to complain to the ICO.

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