We take the safety of our children very seriously.  All staff receive regular and ongoing Child Protection and Safeguarding training.

if you have a concern about a child, please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss further.  Please refer to our safeguarding policies for more information.

Our Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Team


Role in School Name Contact
Executive Headteacher Jon Wynn j.wynn@tssmat.staffs.sch.uk
Single Point of Contact Jon Wynn  j.wynn@tssmat.staffs.sch.uk
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Jon Wynn j.wynn@tssmat.staffs.sch.uk
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Harriet Jennings h.jennings@tssmat.staffs.sch.uk
Designated Director for Safeguarding Melanie Havelock-Crozier m.havelockcrozier@tssmat.staffs.sch.uk
Chair of the Trust Board Heather Bowman h.bowman@tssmat.sstaffs.sch.uk
Designated teacher for Looked After Children Gemma Duffy g.duffy@tssmat.staffs.sch.uk
Mental Health Lead Jon Wynn  


We follow the Staffordshire Safeguarding Board's Windscreen model to inform our decision making.

Safeguarding Windscreen Model



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