We are continuing to use a practical approach to spellings in school during the  Autumn Term in line with last year's research on spellings (you can find this below). We have identified 60 CEW (common exception words) for each class from the statutory curriculum word lists. These are words that the children need to be able to spell (however do not always have set spelling rules) and are used frequently in writing. Instead of formally testing the children weekly, we will instead look at immersing them in the spelling of these key words. The children will have chance to practice them in school using a range of strategies, they will also be a key focus in all writing lessons. By doing this, we hope for the children to be able to correctly spell the words in context and consistently rather than once in a spelling test.

Spelling strategy and results Autumn 2023

We appreciate all of your support in relation to spellings, and despite not having a formal test, feel the children would benefit from practising the spellings at home. Please find below the CEW list and suggestions of how to engage children in their spelling practise.


Class 2 Spellings - Autumn 1


Class 2 can use the Spelling Shed website at home to practice their spellings! 

Chromebooks or iPads can be made available at lunchtimes if children are unable to access Spelling Shed at home. Please just ask. 

Your username and password will be stuck into your reading diaries. Please make the most of this wonderful resource. 

By the end of Year 4, our pupils need to be able to read and spell the words from the Year 3/4 List. 

Click on the image below to print the whole list.

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Word List



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