Homework is used to enhance and support the learning which takes place in school; it should not be a chore or battle. Little and often is usually best.
Weekly Homework
- 20 minute daily reading - please record this in the reading diaries. Reading records and reading book should be in school on a daily basis.
- Learning multiplication tables- Times Tables Rock Stars.
Helping your Child to Read at Home
There may be additional homework which may take the form of research or investigation, or if a child needs more practice in maths or English. However, this will be on a needs basis. We will be using Education City for many of these homework activities.
White Rose Maths
Year 6 Summer
SAT's revision
1. Arithmetic
2. Reasoning
3. Reasoning 2
Year 5 Summer
5. Volume
Year 5 spring term
1. Multiplication and Division
2. Fractions
3. Fractions 2
Year 5 Autum term
1. Place Value
3. Statistics
4. Multiplication and Division
Year 6 Spring Term
2. Percentages
3. Algebra
Year 6 Autum term
Multiplication tables are the key for all areas of maths. As a school, we use the Times Tables Rock Stars programme. All the pupils have a login and can access this at any time. The children have completed a baseline test which has assigned them to the appropriate table to practise. This automatically moves with them as they improve or need support. Click the link below to access the site.
MAT Multiplication Overview- All Year Groups
Helpful Websites for Year 6 Revision
- This site has all of the Year 6 maths content with links to YouTube videos which explain the question
- This site contains tutorials for spelling and grammar
- This site has various games for each spelling pattern in KS2