Care Club is a self-funded before and after-school service managed by the Multi Academy Trust. The facility allows parents the opportunity to pursue their employment, education or training commitments, safe in the knowledge that their children are being cared for in familiar surroundings, outside of normal school hours. The children enjoy playing with their friends and take part in a range of activities, looked after by adults experienced in caring for children. All staff have appropriate DBS clearance, relevant qualifications, experience and first aid training.
Care Club is open from 7.30 a.m. to 8.45 a.m. and 3.15 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday  Breakfast will be provided between 7.30 a.m and 8.15 a.m.  

We have now reverted back to paper booking forms- see below. 

Care Club Booking Forms 2024/2025

Present School day Price  September onwards Price 2024-25
7.30 am - 8.45 am £6.00

8.30 am - 8.45 am Drop and Go

7.30 am - 8.45 am

£2.00 per family 


3.30 pm - 4.15 pm

3.30 pm - 5.30 pm



3.15 pm - 4.15 pm

3.15 pm - 5.00 pm

3.15 pm - 5.30 pm






For any cancellations the following charges will apply:



Morning Care Club - If care club is cancelled before 12pm on the day PRIOR to the morning care club needed no charge will be made

Evening Care Club - If Care Club is cancelled before 12pm on the day needed no charge will be made.

If cancelled after 12pm a flat rate charge of £6 will be made.

If your child goes home sick from school no charge will be made for that day. 


Care Club Handbook

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