Our intent: At The Staffordshire Schools Multi Academy Trust Design and Technology hopes to provide children with ample amounts of opportunities to express their imagination and creativeness. The processes within design and technology can take many forms, from activities which are spontaneous, intuitive and imaginative, to those which are planned, sequential and highly considered. From National Curriculum requirements it is possible to develop a structured framework with a wide variety of opportunities for children to make independent decisions and choices, building in opportunities for assessment, which will influence planning.

Within any school in the Multi Academy Trust, children will have the chance to develop particular creative and technical skills so that ideas they have can be realised and artefacts and products can be produced.

The children will also acquire skills to;

  • articulate and communicate ideas, opinions and also feelings about their own work and the work of other children in a constructive way.
  • know and understand the work and contribution made by other craft workers and designers.
  • respond to that work thoughtfully, critically and imaginatively to broaden their own personal subject knowledge.
  • produce work, products and models both independently, in pairs or within a group.

Planning is the responsibility of the class teacher with help from the Design and Technology Coordinator. The Early Learning Goals will inform planning for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum programs of study in all other year groups.

Planning is used to set clear, achievable goals, ensure that work is matched to pupils' abilities, experience and interests. It also ensures that there is continuity within each year group, progression and adequate subject coverage throughout the school. It provides criteria for assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning and finally, real experiences through which pupils can learn.

Art and DT Rolling Programme of Study

Because of our DT curriculum, The Howard children are: 

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