PE and School Sport

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Our Intent...

All our schools in the Multi Academy Trust offer children the opportunity to access a creative and exciting curriculum that challenges students at all levels.  Our inclusive approach encourages children to shine as individuals whilst learning the skills and qualities needed to be a successful member of a team. Children are taught to understand the importance and values associated with competition and how these can translate to have a positive impact on learning in the classroom.  Children understand how PE and school sport can have a positive impact on their well-being and how resilience and perseverance are key to success, fulfilment and enjoyment.They use their Believe and Achieve school motto to drive their learning, commitment and dedication to PE forward. 


All children are actively encouraged to be involved in competitive sport. Half termly tri tournaments between each school within the Trust are an embedded part of the extra-curricular programme. Children will compete in:

  • Dodgeball
  • Football
  • Tag Rugby
  • Cricket
  • Netball

Our continued participation in level 2 competitions and festivals organised by local the School Sport Partnerships and High Schools ensures we are able offer children opportunity to experience the thrill of the competitive environment. We value these links as they provide students with the opportunities to compete against many other schools. It is our belief that competition teaches children the values associated with winning and losing.  Children are encouraged to achieve their potential while fun and enjoyment remain at the core of our competitive ethos.  This culminates with our school games sports day where every child competes in at least 3 events.  All children’s performances are recognised and rewarded.


The curriculum allows staff the flexibility to teach children basic core skills while providing opportunity to develop them further through a diverse range of sports.  We use schemes promoted and recommended by ENTRUST. Children are assessed regularly to inform future planning and lessons are differentiated to cater for the specific needs of all children, regardless of ability.

We also ensure that children in year 4, 5 and 6 complete a 5hr St John Ambulance First Aid Certificate.

This year each school held a health and well-being day.  We forged links with local sports providers and children were taught about nutrition, fitness and the impact of positive lifestyle choices.

Extra-Curricular Provision

All schools within the Multi AcademyTrust provide children with opportunities to participate in after school PE and school sport clubs. Specialist PE staff deliver sport specific sessions that run alongside the non-sporting provision that is on offer such as ICT, drama and art.


Year 6 play leaders support lunchtime supervisors in the delivery of structured activities for those children who may otherwise not be involve in sport at lunchtimes. They are given time to plan and deliver short skill based activities on a half termly rota.  As well as supporting those less active children we have found that the Year 6 children are recognising the need for life long skills such as perseverance and commitment. 

PE Long Term Plan

Because of our PE Curriculum, The Howard children are:

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